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Directions to Penrose-Strawbridge House

The Penrose-Strawbridge House sits on a 102-acre farm property located on the southwest side of County Line Road in Horsham Township, Montgomery County. It is part of the Horsham Township Park System. It is located next to Graeme Park, which was the estate of colonial Governor Sir William Keith and is now a state park and museum. Our address is: Penrose Strawbridge House900 Governor RoadHorsham, PA 19044267-679-6177Governor Road is a DIRT Road so we highly recommend coming in through Graeme ParkGraeme Park859 County Line RoadHorsham, PA 19044Graeme Park is directly arcoss County...

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Notes and Citations

Notes and Citations The following references include historical documents and other archives that can be located at the Horsham Preservation and Historical Association or in our online archives. 1. Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson, “Letter from Anthony Wayne”, 14 September 1777, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Unpublished Material Case 14, Box 16, Philadelphia, PA (Gentile p4). 2. Gentile, Nancy Jacquelyn, The Penrose Family at Graeme Park 1801-1920, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ©1984 ISBN 0-89271-031-4 (Available at Graeme Park Visitor Center). 3. Ousterhout,Anne...

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