Directions to Penrose-Strawbridge House

The Penrose-Strawbridge House sits on a 102-acre farm property located on the southwest side of County Line Road in Horsham Township, Montgomery County. It is part of the Horsham Township Park System. It is located next to Graeme Park, which was the estate of colonial Governor Sir William Keith and is now a state park and museum.
Our address is:
Penrose Strawbridge House
900 Governor Road
Horsham, PA 19044
Governor Road is a DIRT Road so we highly recommend coming in through Graeme Park
Graeme Park
859 County Line Road
Horsham, PA 19044
Graeme Park is directly arcoss County Line Road from old Happy Tymes.
Take a LEFT at the end of the long driveway.
The Penrose-Strawbridge House is the large white building on the right.
There is parking near the house.