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Become an HPHA Member

The Horsham Preservation & Historical Association (HPHA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation based in Horsham Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Our membership provides the energy, enthusiasm, direction and support to keep the organization going.

Levels of Membership

  • Student/Senior: $25
  • Individual: $35
  • Family: $50
  • Friend $100
  • Patron: $250
  • Sponsor:$500
  • BFF! $1000

Benefits of Membership

    • Giving back to your community
    • Helping to Preserve Local History
    • Assistance with Research on Geneaology, Property Records + More!
    • Advice on Historic Restoration
    • Advice on Contractors for Historic Homes
    • Research in our Archives
    • Get Involved with some of our Projects
    • Educational, Social, Fun Events


• It preserves the historic, architectural, and aesthetic character and heritage of a community or area, and helps to provide a sense of place and continuity.

• As suburban sprawl and roadside development make more and more places look the same, it becomes important for communities to keep their identities intact. Even one or two striking historic buildings can help to define a community and hint at its past.

• The sense of history can contribute to community pride, and to a better understanding of the community’s present.

• Historical preservation can add character and charm to a community, and emphasize its uniqueness.The preservation of old buildings, neighborhoods, and landscapes can determine the look of a community, and may be an attraction for tourists as well.

• It can also be a source of community pride, and lead to other improvements.

• Historic preservation conserves resources, reduces waste, and saves money by repairing and reusing existing buildings instead of tearing them down and building new ones.
–Community Tool Box, The University of Kansas (

Many Thanks to Our Supporters

HPHA supporters have donated close to over $500,000 for our work since January of 2004. This is in addition to the numerous gifts of documents, artifacts, furniture, and equipment and more that have been gifted to us .. plus the thousands of Volunteer hours that have helped us in our mission.

Major Donors

  • The Margaret Dorrance Strawbridge Foundations – Diana Wister and George Strawbridge, Jr.
  • Joseph H. Penrose, Jr.
  • Peter and Margaret Choate
  • Marie Dillon
  • George and Carol Felbin
  • Jane Douglass of Berkshire Hathaway/Fox, Roach
  • Day’s Inn Horsham, Jo-Anne Zapata
  • Steve and Kathy Schneider, Schneider Heating and Cooling
  • Curt Kaller, C D Kaller, Inc.
  • Maryanne Sweriduk , Beneficial Bank
  • Storm Foundation – Alexandra Storm

Friends or Patrons of HPHA

  • Tom and Pat Ambler
  • Carole DiJoseph
  • Bill Donnelly
  • Paul Edling
  • Penrose Hallowell
  • Dr.Jim Hilty
  • The Krudiniers
  • Ann and Tom Kent
  • Suzanne Hunter
  • Steve Macrone
  • Hampton Randolph
  • The Schoenbergs
  • The Thalheimers
  • Sue and Robin Tafel
  • Betsy Urffer
  • William Worth
  • The Whitesides
  • Bob and Lois Self
  • Frank Hirsch
  • John Van Steenwyk

Special Thanks

Special thanks to:

Joseph H. (Buck) Penrose, Jr. for his generous contributions of equipment, documents, heirlooms and furniture from the Hallowell and Penrose families

Ms Margie Murphy for her generous contributions of furniture and heirlooms from the Strawbridge Family

Comcast for their generous donation toward our garden fence and their volunteers to help build it.

Jo-Anne Zappata and the Days Inn Horsham for their long time support

Maryanne Sweriduk Beneficial Bank Hatboro – Rosemore Shopping Center for their long time support

Curt Kaller of CD Kaller, Inc for their long term support and restoration expertise

Earthborne JCB for moving the dirt whenever we need them

Liberty Properties for their continued support

Ray and Sam Jadczak at PJ Auto Repair support HPHA by donating a portion of each job to HPHA

Help Us Preserve Horsham

Make a donation online today