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1865 Penrose Indenture

The 1865 Penrose Indenture records the sale of portions of Graeme Park by four of the children of William and Hannah Penrose to their brother Abel Penrose. Their mother, Hannah Jarrett Penrose became the owner of Graeme Park (which at that time included what we now call the Penrose Strawbridge Farm) when the title was transferred to her from the estate of her father William Jarrett in 1832. We believe Jarrett had the title as collateral for a loan to Hannah’s husband Willam Penrose, and it became part of his estate that was then inherited by Hannah and her siblings. William...

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Horsham History Archives

Historic Document Preservation ProjectLet Us Know What’s MissingRecognized by Historical Society of PhiladelphiaSignificant Items in Our CollectionDirection and InspirationArchivistsAdvisorsProject Cost and ProgressGrants and DonationsProject Scope HPHA is thrilled to announce that the Horsham History Archives have been professionally cataloged and archived at HorshamHistory.PastPerfectonline. The Horsham Library began hosting the archives in April 2019. While the database can be searched from anywhere on the internet, the library can also provide search assistance. Thank...

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Beekeeping at the Penrose Strawbridge HouseAbout Honey BeesInterested in Becoming a Bee Keeper? Beekeeping at the Penrose Strawbridge House We know for sure that Mrs. Strawbridge’s caretaker, Dennis Smith, kept bees but since the property has been an active farm since Governor Keith’s time, it’s likely that bees were kept at the Penrose Strawbridge House prior to the Strawbridges. Tadeus (Ted) Florek, had been keeping bees at another location but was being forced to move due to development of that location. Ted knew of the Penrose Strawbridge House through a...

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