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Cold Spring Farm

Cold Spring Farm on Tennis Ave in Horsham Township, derives its name from the spring that runs through the property. It may have been given this name by Eugene Preston Coho, who purchased the property in 1924. The stone four-story homestead, which was built in 1795 and expanded in 1810, appears to be built on the foundations of an earlier structure probably dating to 1716, making this home one of the oldest in Horsham Township. Cold Spring Farm was part of a large estate, called Pine Run Farms, owned by Henry Pratt McKean, Jr. from 1890-1918. McKean built a water tower in 1911, which still...

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Graeme Park

The following timeline offers a rich history of Graeme Park in Horsham dating back to 1684. Information shown below is sourced from Penrose Strawbridge House Report by Margaret Choate 5 except where otherwise noted. 1600s 1684: Graeme Park was part of a 5,088 acre parcel purchased by Samuel Carpenter from William Penn. In 1719, Carpenter’s widow Hannah Carpenter released 1,200 acres to the colony to settle a claim against the estate for £2000 (read more). 1700s 1721: Sir William Keith the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania acquired Carpenter’s 1200 acres from the Provincial Government,...

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Penrose-Strawbridge Farm

Penrose-Strawbridge Farm Significance Restoration Keith/Graeme Penroses Strawbridges Movie Set Remorse/Apparition Undaunted The Penrose-Strawbridge Farm is located on the southwest side of County Line Rd. in Horsham Township, Montgomery County, and is part of the Horsham Township Park System. It is located next to Graeme Park, the estate of colonial Governor Sir William Keith, which is now a state park and museum. Both properties – in addition to much of the surrounding area – were part of Keith’s 1734 acre137 estate, which he called Fountain Low. Restoration of the...

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