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Green Hill Day Camp

The Navy Fury Jet Crash The Green Hill Day Camp operated along Keith Valley Road from 1957-July 1963 when it became the site of what is probably the worst tragedy in the history of Horsham. A Navy Fury jet lost control and crashed into a Sunday picnic killing 8 people and injuring 17 more as the plane lost its wings as it plowed through trees and then hit a bath house sideways where the picnickers were waiting out a sudden thunderstorm The site was several hundred yards short of the runway in an area listed as having the among the highest potential for crashes. Eight people were...

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Turner Field

Art Turner ran a small general purpose airport known as Turner Field in Horsham from about 1947-1988. The photo above shows the current area in 2017 with a 1992 map of what was left of Turner Field super-imposed on it. You can see one runway crossing what is now Tudor Drive and another running through the Abramson Center. Paul Freeman dates Turner’s opening to 1945-7 since the airport is shown on the 1947 NY Sectional Chart but not the 1945 version. Turner Field was located just southwest of the intersection of Horsham and Lower State Roads in Horsham. It was one of several small...

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Novotny House

The Novotny House at 100 Chestnut Lane in Horsham is named for its previous owners: Dr and Dr Novotny. This house, which dates to c1753, was scheduled for demolition but was saved through the work of HPHA, Horsham Township Council, the Horsham Historical Commission, and the David Cutler Group, the Conservancy of Montgomery County, and Curt Kaller of CD Kaller Inc. Drs Novotny’s property, which included the farmhouse and land, were sold to David Cutler Group upon their deaths. HPHA learned of the impending demolition of the home in 2001. Recognizing the historical value of this house...

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Community Service

HPHA is an approved organization for supervising court-ordered community service through the Bucks and Montgomery County ARD Programs, Youth Aid Panel and local courts in Hatboro, Horsham, Upper Dublin and other courts in Bucks and Montco. Work must be pre-approved through the District Attorney’s Office, Youth Aid Panel or local court. If you have any questions, please contact us at 267-967-5389 or through a private message on Facebook. Individual Volunteers HPHA can also help with other community service requirements for scouting, National Honor Society school hours, among...

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United Capital Farmhouse

United Capital Private Wealth Counseling restored an old farmhouse in Horsham to use as its Philadelphia area office in 2011. This old farmhouse is located at 736 Lower State Road, at the northwest corner of Lower State Road and Welsh Roads and right off of Route 309, at the southwest corner of Horsham Township. United Capital restored the farmhouse and added a large modern addition off the back. The combined building is now being used as office space. The farmhouse was built c1840 and the owner prior to United Capital was Doris Chesterson, Ms Chesterson’s aunt did this...

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Talamore at Oak Terrace

Based on Talamore at Oak Terrace by Dr. James Hilty, this short introduction has been edited for the website. The complete paper with references is available in our archives. Talamore at Oak Terrace The intriguing history of Talamore at Oak Terrace is marked by the often unpredictable, frequently timely conjunction of circumstance and chance, vision and planning. Talamore’s complex and meandering history is a tale of grand expectations and dashed hopes, brilliant schemes and crushing realities, fulfilled aspirations and a buoyant future. Historical currents touching Talamore’s...

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